Delphi 8 for .NET
BDE .NET Demo 
A sample BDE .NET program. It shows configuration infos and aliases, also converts (in a simple way)
BDE tables to ADO.NET dataset (could be a starting point for a more professional converter).
Also allows to save dataset to XML and schema files.
NOTE: if you experience an IDAPI32.DLL loading problem, please add your BDE directory to
the system environment variable "PATH".
Note: this demo is included in the Demos\WinForms folder of your Delphi 8 installation.
This program let you explore the powerful of FileSystemWatcher object from System.IO assembly.
This object watchs a givn directory (and its subdirs) and fires some events every time a file
is created and/or modified and/or deleted. Also the program shows how to send a notification
mail using System.Web.Mail services. A simple and reusable piece of code.
Delphi 6 & 7
Note: these components are included in the Partner CD |
Two CLX components for Delphi 6/7. Nice CLX component development sample with Delphi 6/7.
An enhanced ListBox able to display "long items". It's an useful component and a good
Windows API programming and low level component development sample.
Code provided also works with Delphi 1 and 16 bit GUIs.
Kylix 1 & 2
Note: these components are included in the Partner CD |
TCalcEdit & TDBCalcEdit (K2) 
[source | 
An useful editbox with integrated dropdown calculator/currency converter. This new version includes
a data-aware, TDBCalcEdit. Good component and nice clx programming sample.
TColorBox (K2) 
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ColorBox is an enhanced ComboBox that displays a list of colors for you to select from.
It also provides a "Custom" item to show a Color Dialogs to the user.
[source | 
This component is an enhanced editbox able to dropdown a basic calculator that also acts like a currency converter.
Simply select the small button on the rigth edge and a Calculator form will show, helping you to do some basic operations.
[source | 
This component is an enhanced ListBox able to display "long items", i.e.
items that do not fit into list width, as floating hints.
More content and updates to come soon...